SANDSTONE has been recognised for our positive impact on employees.

We strongly believe that the way employees are treated directly reflects how well your clients are serviced. Enthusiastic, positive, and motivated staff makes for a strong company, and a stronger company for us means improved service for our clients.

Why B Corp Matters

Individually, B Corps meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability, and aspire to use the power of markets to solve social and environmental problems.

Collectively, B Corps lead a growing global movement of people using business as a force for good. Through the power of their collective voice, one day all companies will compete to be best for the world, and society will enjoy a more shared and durable prosperity for all.

Learn more about SANDSTONE'S B Corp status here.

Best for the world

Best for the World Honoree

Every year, B Corp highlights the Certified B Corporations with B Impact Assessment scores in the top 10 percent of the entire global community.

With over 2000 B Corp companies across 52 industries and 48 countries, SANDSTONE has scored in the Top 10 Percent Best for the World category - making us one of only two companies honoured with this recognition in Canada.

It is commonplace for business leaders to discuss how they maximise the good their businesses do in communities and the environment. These days, everyone seems to be talking about sustainability.

However, a small group of pioneering businesspeople are setting a higher bar. They seek to take full advantage of the positive impact their businesses make. They actively and purposefully seek a regenerative economy by operating their businesses in more thoughtful and rigorous ways.

Many of them are, in our opinion, the best businesses in the world. More certainly, they have subjected themselves to a strict assessment that indicates that they are the best for the world.

Companies like SANDSTONE are setting a new standard for creating positive impact for employees through their business.

Jay Coen Gilbert, Co-Founder of B Corp

Best for Workers Recognition

SANDSTONE is proud to be recognised as one of the few B Corp - Best for Workers recipients in Canada.

SANDSTONE has been recognised for creating the most positive impact for our employees based on an independent, comprehensive assessment administered by the non-profit B Corp.

SANDSTONE is honoured in the Best for Workers list, which includes businesses that earned a Workers Score in the top 10 percent of more than 2000 Certified B Corporations on the B Impact Assessment. The assessment measures a company's impact on its workers, community, clients, and the environment. To certify as B Corporations, companies like SANDSTONE must complete the full assessment and have their answers verified by B Corp.

The workers' section of the B Impact Assessment evaluates our company's relationship with our workforce. It measures how the company treats employees through compensation, benefits, training, and ownership opportunities provided to employees. The category also focuses on the overall work environment within our company by assessing management/worker communication, job flexibility, corporate culture, and worker health and safety practices. Honorees scoring in the top 10 percent get a gold standard for the high impact that business as a force for good can make on employees around the world.

SANDSTONE made the list thanks to exceptional practices like; continued professional development, consistent educational growth options, promoting local volunteering, and open communication between management and employees - just to name a few.

We are honoured to be recognised for how we treat our employees and we know this directly reflects how our employees assist our clients.

Curious to know more?

Take a look at the B Corp site, or their B the Change movement. Better yet, put your company through an online assessment to see if you are already using business as a force for good.

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